In Protest
Revolutionary Calvinist Enlightenment
Realizing We've Been Lied To
We teach young people they are random star dust with no purpose and meaning, and wonder why they are aimless and entitled.
We take the minority viewpoint as the establishment, and then take the modern tendency toward anti-establishment to annihilate minority viewpoints and strengthen the tyranny of the majority, all in the name of "democracy."
We take the message, water it down to it's tepid impotency, and then wonder why people bounce in and out of the faith.
We have been lied to by our leaders, our media, and our government.
The Evil One is alive, well, and at work in modern day America. The forces of evil have stumbled on a very potent formula to lead people away from Christ, and it is as ambient as the rustle of leaves in the fall. It is as complex as it is simple, and it is the default path of man: to trend toward aimlessness, chaos, tyranny, and eventually self destruction.
In previous eras, earthly powers attacked Christians with force and imprisonment to envelope them back into the fold of tyranny. Early Christians had their foundations shattered in an attempt to pull them back under the tyranny of caesar. Later, earthly powers invaded The Faith, turning it into a supposed "Holy" empire who burned at the stake those who proclaimed salvation in Christ alone. Then The Faith fled to a new land in search of freedom of worship, where it helped sew the seeds of liberty. There was a great awakening, and the light of Christ shown brightly. Slaves were freed, and the powers of this earth were sent reeling onto their heels.
Obviously the Evil One’s strategy wasn't working. People were being set free and realizing that sin has already been defeated. Then, as if it was in a letter from the mythical Screwtape himself, the earthly powers were notified of a change in plan. Freedom had taken root, but democracy was one short step behind. The Evil One knew he had the majority, for he will always have the majority. It was no longer legal to force humans out of the light and into chaos and tyranny via threat of violence and incarceration, nor was this effective. However, forcing people to deny their beliefs via threat of loss of job, loss of reputation, public humiliation, or reeducation soon became VERY effective.
Then came the lie.
The Prince of Lies himself authored it. He sold it through the centralized control of public education. He promoted it by cloaking it in kind-sounding words. He codified it by convincing people that the law was not from nature or nature's God, but rather the infallible will of the majority. The root of the lie is simple if not paradoxical: that sin does not exist, and to defeat it, one must sin.
Dostoyevsky's "Underground Man" said that men of action are stupid, because they take secondary causes as primary ones, and thus act upon false pretense. This can be interpreted to say that any injustice -- or sin -- has as its cause another sin (e.g. I stole because my family is hungry, or "society prepares the crime, the criminal commits it"), and that sin caused by another sin, all the way down to nature itself, which is un-blame-able. Thus the lie is repeated.
A more modern example could be the U.S.'s supposed "War on Poverty," (which itself is a war on a noun, and nouns tend to be VERY difficult to eradicate, but that's a different topic). Poverty itself is caused by society, the majority of which is not in poverty and is hoarding wealth. Poverty would not exist, except for the lucky few taking what others are entitled to. Therefore to eliminate poverty, we must export poverty to all strata of society. And thus the lie is repeated.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, we come to the church. As the front line of God's army in this world, it is no surprise that the lie shows up here in the most varied ways. For example, Christians are to love one another. Therefore, if another person is sinning, it is forbidden to point out that sin because the majority has declared it unloving to do so. Beyond that, to even abstain from committing the sin WITH the other person is considered unloving, and thus forbidden. Therefore to eliminate sin, we must sin. And the lie is repeated.
There are many other ways the lie can be exposed: the mythical establishment and the campaign of change, the battle against racism using racism, the brutal doctrine of fatalism. These are essays unto themselves.
It has never been clearer that we need a revolutionary change of course. The doctrines that the greater church has been using are obviously not working. It has led to a supreme Catholic leader who is unable or unwilling to speak the name of Christ on the largest public stage. It has led to the explosion of prosperity preachers and churches, whose loose doctrine ignores God in favor of charisma and entertainment. As a result, the people are rudderless in a sea of ideology, and are leaving the church in droves. Christ has been denied by his own bride. It is only when the church once again recognizes Christ, that the people will return.
David Dombrowsky
Read at 6th Street Radio:
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